Monday, July 28, 2014

Feature: GEG on The Cagayan de Oro Times

Google Educators Group pf Cagayan de Oro would like to thank The Cagayan de Oro Times, especially its Editor-in-Chief, Shaun Alejandre Uy for featuring GEG and our Inaugural Workshop.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Google Educators Group- Cagayan de Oro Inaugural Workshop

We successfully launched the Google Educators Group in Cagayan de Oro yesterday, July 19, 2014 at Liceo de Cagayan University. We launched this group of dynamic and collaborative group of teachers through an Inaugural Workshop wherein teacher-participants learned about the basic Google tools for Education.

Philip Tanpoco Jr, Google Education Outreach Program Manager for Asia Pacific, implemented and ran the workshop from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Participants were able to learn how to use some of the Google apps for education such as the Google Drive, Hangouts and Gmail.

 Registration and Distribution of swags. Thank you Google for the awesome swags you gave for the teachers!
The lady is Kat Pajo, one of the volunteers from the Google Business Group of CDO who helped us during the workshop.
 Awesome workshop from our Facilitator, Philip Tanpoco Jr.

Participants try the Google tools
Change of venue in the afternoon to get better internet connection

Owen (my co-leader of GEG CDO), Philip, and I
The awesome community of GEG- CDO! We look forward to meeting more teachers soon!

Join is in our G+ community to know more about the group and our future activities for teachers.

Photo credits: Donna Marie Lopez of XUGS and Vic Madriaga of